L.A. Stories of Inspiration and Success; pictured an image of the Downtown Los Angeles skyline facing southwest at twilight

L.A. Stories of Inspiration and Success; pictured an image of the Downtown Los Angeles skyline facing southwest at twilight

HireLAX Construction Training Program Cohort 19 Graduation, March 2024
At the end of March 2024, the HireLAX Construction Training Program held a graduation for its Cohort 19. Deputy Mayor Brenda Shockley and Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez (CD13) attended the graduation to congratulate the new graduates and to encourage them to continue doing their best.

Deputy Mayor Shockley conveyed, "This is a gift you have given to yourself and it is a gift that will keep on giving as long as you continue to have the faith in yourself and to pursue all the opportunities that attract you. Congratulations on behalf of the Mayor and myself."

Program graduate and Southeast Los Angeles WorkSource Center (WSC) participant Myles Dorsey said, "I have gained a deeper understanding of the different trades in the construction sector and various career paths available. This exposure allowed me to explore my interests and identify potential areas of specialization moving forward.” Dorsey adds, "Overall, my experience in the construction pre-apprenticeship program has been incredibly rewarding. It has equipped me with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to pursue a successful career in construction. As I look ahead, I am excited about opportunities that lie ahead and grateful for the solid foundation that this program has provided me."

The Southeast Los Angeles WSC’s HireLAX Construction Training Program provides 8-weeks of training to prepare local residents for a career in construction that includes a stipend to participants. Upon completion, trainees are prepared to enroll in a union apprenticeship program and employment on an LAWA construction project.

For more information about this program, sign up for the next HireLAX Apprenticeship Readiness Program Orientation or reach out to the Southeast Los Angeles WorkSource Center (WSC).

EWDD’s WorkSource Centers offer free job training, resume assistance, and skill training and placement services to local job seekers. Centers also offer a variety of employment, training and support services to LA businesses. Learn about the many programs and benefits offered through our Employment Services and WorkSource Centers.

This story is part of the EWDD UPDATES from April 2024. Read this issue and more.

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