artistic photo of Los Angeles City Hall, angled view from the ground looking up towards the top of the tower

About the Economic and Workforce Development Department

Los Angeles City Hall at nightThe Economic and Workforce Development Department’s (EWDD) goal is to steer economic development in a manner that yields thriving businesses, and creates job training and career opportunities for the City of Los Angeles. EWDD works every day to deliver a strong and committed workforce, maintain sustainable neighborhoods, and profitable communities throughout Los Angeles. EWDD works every day to deliver a strong and committed workforce, sustainable neighborhoods, and profitable communities throughout Los Angeles.


In 2013, the Los Angeles Mayor and the City Council launched the Economic & Workforce Development Department as a modern, more efficient way for people to do business in the City of Los Angeles and to create more economically vibrant neighborhoods.

Prior to July 2013, EWDD’s workforce and business functions were part of the city’s Community Development Department. EWDD also assumed control of some public properties that were previously under the control of the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency.

Key Functions

EWDD provides a broad range of programs that offer assistance in business support, employment and youth development. All programs are designed to grow and improve Los Angeles’ economy while building a well-trained and job-ready workforce. During times of City emergencies, EWDD has provided economic relief programs.

During the COVID-19 pandemic recovery efforts, EWDD administered the distribution of $100M in COVID-19 related financial economic relief programs, including the City of LA’s Small Business Emergency Grant Program, the LA Regional COVID-19 Fund, and the LA COVID-19 Child Care Provider Grant Program.
  • BusinessSource Centers
    The City’s 10 BusinessSource Centers provide free services such as access to capital, business plan development, tax incentives and credits, business courses and training, employee hiring and workforce development to business owners or startups.

  • WorkSource Centers
    The City’s 14 WorkSource Centers offer a wide range of free employment related assistance to job seekers and employers such as literacy skills, training, referrals, job listings and placement with an emphasis on high growth industries to build and support a qualified workforce in Los Angeles. Job Portals, smaller versions of the WorkSource Centers, are located in select city libraries and other locations.

  • YouthSource Centers
    The City’s 14 YouthSource Centers youth development centers offer free educational and career readiness services for disconnected youth ages 14 to 24 who are neither in school nor working.

  • Hire LA’s Youth, Summer Youth Employment Program
    The City’s Hire LA’s Youth program provides six weeks of subsidized work for Los Angeles youth, ages 14 to 24, with local partners including non-profits and businesses, and provides real world job experiences and opportunities for college, career, and financial literacy training.

Facts & Figures

Annual Budget
  • EWDD Operational Budget 2019-2020: $25,292,807
  • 2018-2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Allocation: $13,165,090
  • 2019-2020 Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Total Allocation: (Adult, Youth and Dislocated Worker funding streams, not including Rapid Response): $37,845,571
Number of Employees
  • 165 authorized positions
Supporting Federal and State Departments
  • State of California Employment Development Department, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Justice

Department Overview

EWDD Executive Staff
Carolyn M. Hull
General Manager
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  213-744-7300

Fred Jackson
Assistant General Manager Economic Development
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  213-744-9723

Gerardo Ruvalcaba
Assistant General Manager Workforce Development
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  213-744-7233

Dr. Fernando Campos
Assistant General Manager Finance, Administrative Services, and Information Technology
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  213-744-7300

EWDD Communications
Media Relations
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The City of Los Angeles WDB is composed of 39 volunteers and includes representatives from education, labor, state and local governments, private businesses and employers. In partnership with the Mayor and City Council, the WDB provides vision, policy, strategy, coordination, direction and oversight for the City’s workforce development activities. The Los Angeles Workforce Delivery System partners with various organizations including community-based non-profits, labor organizations, the LA Unified School District, the LA Community College District, and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.

Hannah Lee
WDB Interim Executive Director
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  213-744-7164

EWDD and WDB Offices
444 South Flower Street, 14th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071
213-744-7164  |  Fax 213-744-9395  |  711 for Telecommunication Relay Services (TRS)

Service Divisions

EDD offers over $600 million in direct and indirect financing and technical assistance programs that promote business growth and job creation in economically depressed areas of the City. An array of economic development and assistance measures have been developed specifically for the City's business community. Targeted business services are carried out with the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and L.A.'s Business Team (the Mayor's special division in charge of business growth and retention in the City). Visit Business Services for more information.

The Workforce Development Division, working in cooperation with the Workforce Development Board (WDB), oversees Employment Services offered through WorkSource and YouthSource Centers. WorkSource Centers offer comprehensive employment services for adults. All programs are free to job seekers, but some programs may require pre-qualification based on income.

The young adult programs work to promote youth achievement by engaging families and community partners in creating opportunities for teenagers and young adults to reach their education, employment, and personal development goals. A partnership with over 30 local community-based organizations provides a dedicated focus on vocational, educational, and career-developing youth support systems. The Youth Services are committed to developing the talents, capacities and successful future of the community's young people.

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