Jobs and Economic Development Incentive (JEDI) Zones

Jobs and Economic Development Incentive Zones, also referred to as Jedi Zones

The City of Los Angeles JEDI Zones (Jobs and Economic Development Incentive Zones) program provides economic development incentives for underserved areas that experience persistent unemployment and underemployment, low and moderate household income earnings, and neighborhood instability. The program aims to gradually create economic equity citywide by promoting and expanding local businesses, resulting in greater employment opportunities and more financially secure communities.
JEDI Program Benefits: Existing and new businesses located within a JEDI Zone can lower operating expenses, increase profits and create more jobs by taking advantage of specifically dedicated incentives, enhanced services, and programs.

EWDD is tasked with facilitating JEDI Zone designations. When a potential JEDI Zone is identified, EWDD will conduct a baseline assessment of the proposed area based on primary qualifying criteria. Not all businesses will qualify for all benefits offered by the JEDI Zone Program.

video by @LACityView35; Camera- Landis Stokes; Audio- Alex Jimenez; Editor- Greg Van Gemert


Jedi Zone process: when a zone gets approved by the City Council and the L.A. Mayor, a program manager gets assigned then conducts site visits to help businesses with available benefits and services

A JEDI Zone designation request is made through the Los Angeles City Council. A City Council member must put forth a motion for each area within their district that they wish to designate. Visit the City’s My Neighborhood Info website to determine your Council District. Once the motion is approved, EWDD staff will evaluate the following factors during their baseline assessment:
  • Verification that the identified area meets at least one of the primary qualifying criteria for a JEDI Zone designation
  • Evaluate distress factors using the Secondary Needs Assessment (used to determine priorities within the requested zone)
  • Assign needs-based priority (census tracts measuring higher in secondary needs will receive priority)
Once a JEDI Zone is approved, the designation will initially be established for a five-year period, with an additional five-year renewal option. EWDD will issue biennial reports to the City Council and Mayor on the JEDI Zone's progress and performance. The reports will include a summary of activity for the designated area and a determination of whether adjustments to the JEDI Zone Program are needed. At the conclusion of the five-year designation, EWDD will conduct an assessment of the JEDI Zone detailing the impact on the area, including the following:
  • Number of new and relocating businesses
  • Number of pre-existing businesses participating in JEDI incentives
  • Overall percent of businesses helped
  • Number of new jobs created as a result of JEDI incentives


JEDI Zones offer various economic incentives and programs to create economic development and growth in historically under-served areas. Revitalizing depressed communities increases job creation and employment, and stabilizes local business. All investment incentives are offered at no cost to qualified businesses located within JEDI Zones.

  • Access to Capital
    Leverages City BusinessSource Centers to provide training and seminars within the JEDI Zone areas to connect businesses with lenders actively investing in businesses that match the business’s region, size, risk factor, and industry. Conduct outreach to businesses to enhance investment abilities.

    Program Advantage
    Identify financial resource providers to target capital investment and bring funding opportunities to small business owners. Provides qualified staff readily available to assess your business needs and identify resources leading to funding or loan opportunities to open, expand, or sustain a business. Benefits include low rates, business counselors, and flexible repayment options.

    Program Eligibility
    Project partners offer Access to Capital resources and services, including local BusinessSource Centers, Small Business Administration, or Community Development Financial Institutions, and will be coordinated by the EWDD JEDI Zone assigned Program Manager.
  • Compliance Assistance Program
    The EWDD Business Assistance Team will assist JEDI Zone business owners in taking steps to correct any violations of City rules, policies, codes, and deadlines. EWDD will also coordinate services to provide corrective actions in response to administrative notices to comply.

    Program Advantage
    This program will provide assistance to business owners to ensure access to resources needed to enact corrections to violations.

    Program Eligibility
    All registered businesses in approved JEDI Zone areas will be offered the Compliance Assistance Program. A JEDI Zone area Program Manager will be appointed as the primary point of contact for each zone to coordinate assistance with correcting violations.

    Reach out to the Business Response Unit for assistance.
  • Permit Fee Reduction for Development Projects
    The Permit Fee Reduction program subsidizes development projects by reducing expediting and permitting fees. Qualified development projects must be in a JEDI Zone designation and conform to the zoning regulation requirements of the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety and City Planning. Fee reductions would be contingent upon funding availability.

    Program Advantage
    Incentivize businesses to renovate and/or rehabilitate facilities and aid with infrastructure improvements for development. Permit subsidy is a one-time usage, for up to $10,000 maximum, per location.

    Program Eligibility
    Most business property owners of buildings located on commercial strips and retail centers in the approved JEDI Zone areas are eligible to participate. JEDI Zone Fee Reduction Award Certificates must be obtained by qualified businesses before the issuing of the development permit.

    Important Documentation
    • Fee Reduction Award Certification
    Reach out to the Business Response Unit for assistance.
  • Employer Connect
    The EWDD WorkSource Centers can provide workforce recruitment assistance, including developing comprehensive job descriptions, customizing recruitment plans, and assisting to fill positions by pre-screening applicants. Assistance with employee compensation during training may be available. Additionally, resource centers are available to obtain assistance with online job posting and labor market information, and more.

    Program Advantages
    The Employer Connect Program supports entrepreneurship and business expansion by offering job advertising, applicant screening and referrals, and on the job and pre-employment training services. Connecting with the WorkSource system gains businesses a larger, better-qualified candidate pool and potentially reduces training costs.

    By leveraging the City’s existing contracts with WorkSource Centers, the City can place qualified individuals in paid jobs and the businesses may gain savings to the employees’ training cost. Businesses within the JEDI Zone area may be provided tailored staff development assessments and information.

    Employers can receive Customized Recruitment to fill vacancies. Specialists will work with the business to identify hiring needs and develop a plan to recruit candidates including:
    • Coordination of a system-wide recruitment
    • Coordinating a recruitment exclusively for an employer or an employer group by industry
    Businesses can obtain assistance developing policies and plans to create and/or define formal career ladders utilizing established occupations as defined by Federal agencies or other nationally recognized sources. Employer Connect also can provide businesses with the specific labor market information regarding the economy, wages, and occupational skills.

    Also providing assistance with human resource challenges, such as:
    • Specific labor laws
    • Legal equal opportunity requirements
    • Sexual harassment policy
    • Referrals to outside organizations specializing in HR needs
    Program Eligibility
    This program is open to all businesses in approved JEDI Zones areas.

    Important Documentation
    No initial documentation is needed. The business will need to complete a pre-screening and worksite work experience agreement.

    Contact a local WorkSource Center for information about staff training compensation. Locate your nearest Center using our WorkSource Location Map.
  • Façade Improvement Program
    The JEDI Zones Façade Improvement Program is designed to revitalize commercial business corridors by providing funds to eligible businesses for exterior façade improvements to improve curb appeal and reduce blight. Program funding will derive from a Community Development Block Grant and other sources. The Façade Improvement Program is contingent upon funding availability.

    Program Advantage
    The overall aim of the JEDI Zones Façade Improvement Program is to create a sense of place and to improve neighborhood economic stability. Enhancing the exterior of commercial areas creates an inviting location for visitors to walk and shop, increasing the corridor’s commercial potential.

    Program Eligibility
    Business owners, with the property owner’s consent, can apply for a JEDI Zone façade Improvement subsidy of up to $75,000 per business (not to exceed $300,000 per project) if:
    1. Located within an eligible JEDI Zone area, and
    2. Façade improvements are for commercial (retail and wholesale) and service establishments
    The following eligible improvements include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Murals, if they are professionally done, provide an important aesthetic improvement and/or improve an expanse of wall or surface prone to graffiti
    2. Exterior façade treatments (stucco, brick veneer, paint removal, etc.)
    3. Column/post replacement with awning, canopy, or other shade solution
    4. Exterior painting of buildings visible from public right-of-way
    5. Facade/brick cleaning and/or power washing
    6. Minor Signage repair or replacement, if warranted
    7. Exterior doors
    8. Window and window frame replacement
    9. Exterior lighting and electrical work
    10. Landscaping attached to exterior features
    11. Permanent exterior signage
    12. New foam moldings to create architectural and visual interest
    13. Anti-graffiti paint and window treatment
    14. Visible mechanical equipment
    15. Visible rain gutters
    Subject to eligibility, some business property owners of buildings located on commercial strips and retail centers in the approved JEDI Zone areas can participate. The business location and need for rehabilitation must be verified by an EWDD representative to establish eligibility. Property owners may be required to agree to maintenance requirements of the improvements funded by the program and other conditions. Improvements and alterations are subject to design guidelines.

    Important Documentation
    All permits are the responsibility of the property owner. Additional program guidelines will be provided to applicants.
    1. JEDI Zone Façade Improvement Application
    2. Proof of Ownership/Property Owner Consent Form
    3. Submit a current photo of your existing storefront
    4. Maintenance covenant

    Federal and/or local funds are used for the program. Whenever such funds are used, either in whole or in part, Davis-Bacon and State prevailing wages (whichever is higher) must be paid for all onsite construction labor relating to the project. The Federal Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates (which are determined by the U.S. Department of Labor) to all laborers and mechanics on Federal government construction projects in excess of $1,000.00. Construction includes alteration and/or repair, including painting and decorating of public buildings or public works, including private projects using Federal funds.

  • Microloan Fee and Interest Reduction
    The JEDI Zone Microloan Program is designed to provide financing to viable Microenterprises and Small businesses that private lenders typically are not able to accommodate. Loan funds can be used for reasonable and eligible business operation costs, including, but not limited to, inventory, equipment, working capital and leaseholder improvements.

    Program Advantage
    • No Application Fee
    • No Loan Fee
    • Reduced Interest Rate
    Program Eligibility
    • Annual revenue must not exceed $1 million (depending on business NAICS code) and have no more than 25 employees
    • Business must be in the City of Los Angeles (use the My Neighborhood Info tool to determine if your commercial location is located within City of Los Angeles boundaries)
    • The business location must not be a residential property; the Microloan Program cannot finance home-based businesses
    • Businesses must have an active and cleared Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) filed with the Los Angeles Office of Finance Program Overview
    Applications are available upon request. For more information, please contact your JEDI Zone area Program Manager.
  • Priority Support Program
    EWDD will perform a business needs assessment for each operator contacted in the approved JEDI Zones, market the JEDI Zone New and Enhanced Business Incentives Plan and match the business with the appropriate support program(s) and monitor/track the effectiveness of the assistance. EWDD will strategically partner with business operators to organize and provide available information and services valuable to each stakeholder and determine the most effective methods to assist and support the business’s goals.

    Program Advantage
    Enhanced delivery of resources and facilitation of comprehensive support to businesses in the JEDI Zones

    Program Eligibility
    All businesses in approved JEDI Zone areas will be offered the Priority Support Program. A Program Manager will be appointed as the primary point of contact for each zone to provide individualized and customized resources.


JEDI Zones are created where local economic incentives can be used to both enhance existing business enterprises and attract new business industries to the City of Los Angeles, which will result in equitable opportunities to cultivate economic development and growth in areas that have been historically underinvested. Below are the approved JEDI Zones.

  • The Crenshaw Boulevard Corridor is located in South Los Angeles, Council District 8. This zone is bounded by Vernon Avenue to the North and 60th Street to the South.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2023 Economic metrics for the Crenshaw Boulevard Corridor
    estimated population: 9,953; active businesses: 182; Low to moderate-income households: 58.7%; Median household income: $84,075; People below the poverty level per capita: 16.3%

  • The Reseda Boulevard Corridor is located in Reseda, Council District 4. This zone is bounded by Vanowen Street to the south and Gault Street to the north.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Reseda Boulevard Corridor
    estimated population: 10,038; active businesses: 107; Low to moderate-income households: 71%; Median household income: $74,019; People below the poverty level per capita: 15.6%

  • The Van Nuys Boulevard Corridor is located in Pacoima, Council District 7. This zone is bounded by Bradley Ave to the northeast and Laurel Canyon Boulevard to the southwest.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Van Nuys Boulevard Corridor
    estimated population: 263,022; active businesses: 335; Low to moderate-income households: 58%; Median household income: $74,194; People below the poverty level per capita: 38,081

  • The Wilmington Avenue tract is in Watts, Council District 15. This zone is bounded between 103rd Street to the north and 114th Street to the south.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Wilmington Avenue tract
    estimated population: 309; active businesses: 70; Low to moderate income households: 86%; Median household income: $39,875; People below the poverty level per capita: 22%

  • The Avalon Boulevard Corridor is located in Wilmington, Council District 15. This zone is bounded by C Street to the south and Opp Street to the north.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Avalon Boulevard Corridor
    estimated population: 299; active businesses: 116; Low to moderate-income households: 82%; Median household income: $37,875; People below the poverty level per capita: 26%

  • The Goodyear Tract area is located in South Los Angeles, Council District 9. This Zone is bounded by Slauson Avenue to the north, Florence Avenue to the south, Central Avenue to the east, and Avalon Boulevard to the west.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Good Year Tract
    estimated population: 17,176; active businesses: 573; Low to moderate-income households: 80%; Median household income: $30, 091; People below the poverty level per capita: 30%

  • The North Hollywood/Lankershim area is in Council District 2. This zone is on Lankershim Boulevard bounded by Oxnard Street to the north and Burbank Boulevard to the south.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the North Hollywood/Lankershim area
    estimated population: 2,596; active businesses: 115; Low to moderate-income households: 74.25%; Median household income: $59,516; People below the poverty level per capita: 10%

  • The Sherman Way JEDI Zone is located in Canoga Park, Council District 3. This zone begins on the corner of Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Sherman Way to the west, continuing east along the Sherman Way business corridor and ends at Variel Avenue.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Sherman Way corridor in Canoga Park
    estimated population: 12,733; active businesses: 1,221; Low to moderate-income households: 83%; Median household income: $83,020; People below the poverty level per capita: NA

  • The Hollywood Boulevard corridor is in Hollywood, Council District 13. This zone is along Hollywood Boulevard, bounded by Las Palmas Avenue to the west and Ivar Avenue to the east.
    Click the open icon in the upper left corner for more information about this JEDI zone
    2022 Economic metrics for the Hollywood Boulevard
    estimated population: 6,000; active businesses: 180; Low to moderate-income households: 80%; Median household income: $57,491; People below the poverty level per capita: 19%


If you would like to learn more about the JEDI Zones and how to apply, EWDD wants to help. Please reach out by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 213-744-7150.

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