2024 BusinessSource information table at a local resource and job fair

BusinessSource Centers

BusinessSource Centers provide startup ventures and current small business owners with various cost-effective tools to make their businesses a success. Through these tools, small businesses can grow and remain competitive within the City of Los Angeles. Services are provided at NO COST to LA City business owners and resident entrepreneurs.

The BusinessSource Centers also provide free assistance for the City of Los Angeles Sidewalk and Park Vendor Permit Program. Bilingual advisors are available to help complete the required documentation to secure the City of LA, State of California and County of Los Angeles Permits.

If you have been impacted by the pandemic, EWDD wants to help. Visit our Recovery Resources Page to access information and programs for business owners and the community. COVID-19 has highlighted the financial fragility of many small businesses. Financial counselors can help counter these negative fiscal impacts, assist in recovery, and help local businesses to thrive. Money Management International (MMI) has agreed to provide credit and debt counseling with targeted support to small business owners in the City of LA at no cost in a variety of languages.

Services and Programs

One-on-One Consulting

One-on-One Consulting

dedicated coaches and consultants to assist with specific business needs
Entrepreneur Training Program (ETP)

Entrepreneur Training Program (ETP)

strategic and comprehensive business training for start-ups
Access to Capital

Access to Capital

financial sources for expanding operations and overall business health
Business Education, Training and Workshops

Business Education, Training and Workshops

educational courses for developing, managing and growing a business
Employee Hiring/Work Force Development

Employee Hiring/Work Force Development

assisting employers with job retention and training, as well as job creation
Economic Incentive and Development Programs

Economic Incentive and Development Programs

programs to support local businesses and revitalize distressed urban communities

BusinessSource Centers offer services* in Spanish, Armenian, French, Korean, Mandarin, Russian and Vietnamese. Find your local center on our BusinessSource Locations Map or in the Locations by Region below.   *languages vary by location

Locations by Region

Find a BusinessSource Center in your neighborhood in the regional location list below or on the BusinessSource Center Location Map.

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