City of Los Angeles Small Business Commission - photo of downtown Los Angeles just after sunrise with a golden gradient layered on top

Roslyn M. Simpson, Esq.

Los Angeles Small Business Commission
Roslyn M. Simpson, Esq.
Special Counsel to the CEO of Roscoe’s House of Chicken ‘n Waffles

Roslyn M. Simpson has spent over 27 years as a funding professional. She has led the major giving efforts at nonprofits and major universities, including her alma mater, the University of Southern California, and the University of Arizona, where she served as Associate Vice President for Development. A collegiate All-American in Track and Field, she presently sits on the Board of Law and Legislation for USA Track and Field and the governing body for the United States national teams for Track and Field, Cross Country, Road Running, Race Walking and Para-Olympians.

Simpson has guided the private foundations and business development campaigns for numerous professional athletes and coaches, where funding success and mass community outreach were realized under her direction. In addition, Simpson is active locally as Chair of Youth Track and Field for the Southern California Association of USA Track and Field and is a Trustee for the historic First AME Church of Los Angeles.

Simpson also serves as an Executive Board member for two nonprofits, the South Los Angeles Community Development and Empowerment Corporation and the Urban Equity Community Foundation.