City of Los Angeles Workforce Development Board
Year Twenty-Two Annual Plan for Program Year 2021-2022
April 4, 2022

The City of Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department (EWDD) is pleased to announce the release of the City of Los Angeles Workforce Development Board's final draft of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 2021-2022 Annual Plan.
The Annual Plan covers the service strategies, activities, and budget for the City’s Workforce Development System. It outlines how the City will deliver services and meet the objectives of promoting a trained workforce with access to good jobs and a strong business/employer regional economy.
The WIOA supports the City's workforce development activities that are provided through its Workforce Development System, comprised of WorkSource/America's Job Centers of California, YouthSource Centers, satellite sites and the high-profile Hire LA's Youth Initiative.
The Annual Plan covers the service strategies, activities, and budget for the City’s Workforce Development System. It outlines how the City will deliver services and meet the objectives of promoting a trained workforce with access to good jobs and a strong business/employer regional economy.
The WIOA supports the City's workforce development activities that are provided through its Workforce Development System, comprised of WorkSource/America's Job Centers of California, YouthSource Centers, satellite sites and the high-profile Hire LA's Youth Initiative.
Year 22 Annual Plan for Program Year 2021-22
Annual Plan Cover Page
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary (revised March 2022)
2. Plan Overview (revised March 2022)
3. Strategies and Activities
4. Budget Schedules
5. Economic Forecast Report
6. Policies
7. Performance Evaluations
8. Appendices - Table of Contents
City of Los Angeles Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
2. Plan Overview (revised March 2022)
3. Strategies and Activities
4. Budget Schedules
5. Economic Forecast Report
6. Policies
7. Performance Evaluations
8. Appendices - Table of Contents
Appendix 1: Public Comments
Appendix 2: CAO Report
Appendix 3: CLA Report
Appendix 4: Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) and Workforce Development Board (WDB) Joint Transmittal
Appendix 5: Local Workforce Plan 2021-2024
Appendix 6: LABRPU Regional Plan 2021-2024
Appendix 7: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance
Appendix 2: CAO Report
Appendix 3: CLA Report
Appendix 4: Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) and Workforce Development Board (WDB) Joint Transmittal
Appendix 5: Local Workforce Plan 2021-2024
Appendix 6: LABRPU Regional Plan 2021-2024
Appendix 7: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance
City of Los Angeles Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
The City's budget contains items that impact the Year 22 Annual Plan